Study Aids
Prepare for the bar exam with NCBE's authentic, affordable study aids delivered on BarNow, our online platform. These study aids will help you become more familiar with the types of questions we develop for the bar exam and the MPRE.

On BarNow, you can log in and practice whenever it’s convenient for you. Track your progress as you study for the bar exam by reviewing your individual user statistics after completing a test. Rate your confidence levels as you complete each question and make notes or add bookmarks to review later.
Each study aid offers select features to help you better understand what to study. In our MBE and MPRE simulated exams, you’ll see your percent correct plus answer explanations. In the MEE and MPT study aids, you can practice answering each question or item in a timed environment. Review the NCBE model answer and download analyses and point sheets directly from the platform to use at your convenience.
Study Aids Available for Purchase
Already Purchased? Log onto BarNow
MBE Complete Practice Exam
This online study aid has questions that you won't find in our other products!
MBE Bar Exam Value Pack
Includes three Simulated MBEs (Simulated Exams 1, 2, and 3) plus the MBE Practice Questions.
MEE Bar Exam Value Pack
Get all MEE questions from the last 6 bar exam administrations, plus a collection of MEEs covering each of the seven subject areas in one value pack.
MPT Bar Exam Value Pack
Get all MPTs from the last 6 bar exam administrations, plus the MPT Practice Questions study aid in one value pack.
MEE by Most Recent Bar Exam Administration
Get the most recent MEE questions and analyses from latest bar exam administration (six questions and analyses)
MPT by Most Recent Bar Exam Administration
Get the most recent MPT items and point sheets from the latest bar exam administration (two items and drafters’ point sheets).
Simulated MPRE 3
New! With Simulated MPRE 3, you’ll get 60 multiple-choice questions (like the actual MPRE) with answer explanations.
Simulated MPRE 1
With the Simulated MPRE 1, you’ll get 60 multiple-choice questions (like the actual MPRE) with answer explanations.
Simulated MPRE 2
With Simulated MPRE 2, you’ll get 60 multiple-choice questions (like the actual MPRE) with answer explanations.
MBE Study Aid (Hard Copy, Booklet)
210 questions drawn from previous MBEs, with 30 questions for each of the seven MBE subject areas.
Bar Exam Study Basics Video
This video provides evidence-based advice about helpful study habits to help you prepare for the bar exam.
NCBE Free Study Aid Resources

BarNow Free Demo Pack
Try BarNow for free! Sign up for the BarNow Demo Pack and you'll receive a sample study aid with official NCBE practice questions for 30 days. On BarNow, you can practice for the bar exam and the MPRE anytime, anywhere. Track your progress as you complete simulated exams and see your percent correct and average time spent per question. Learn more by visiting
NextGen Practice Sets

NextGen Practice Sets
Familiarize yourself with NCBE's NextGen bar exam through our official practice sets. These sets, developed by NCBE's drafting and editing team—which includes law professors, practitioners, and judges from across the US—offers practice questions designed to familiarize users with the updated NextGen exam question types. The NextGen bar exam will be administered in select jurisdictions starting July 2026. For free sample questions, visit
BarNow for Legal Educators

NCBE offers free subscriptions to faculty/staff with Value Pack purchases for 10 or more students.
Click the button below to contact us or call 608-316-3109 for more information.