Maximum Age of Transferred UBE Score by Jurisdiction
This map shows UBE jurisdictions in orange and lists the maximum age of transferred UBE scores for each jurisdiction. The same information is displayed in tabular format below.
This map shows UBE jurisdictions in orange and lists the maximum age of transferred UBE scores for each jurisdiction. The same information is displayed in tabular format below.
Maximum Age of Transferred UBE Score* | Jurisdiction |
2 years | North Dakota, Rhode Island |
2 years/5 years | Iowa |
25 months | Alabama |
30 months | Pennsylvania |
3 years | Arkansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Virgin Islands, West Virginia |
3 years/5 years | Colorado, New Hampshire, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Wyoming |
37 months | Idaho |
40 months | Washington |
4 years | Illinois |
5 years | Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Texas |
Some jurisdictions describe the maximum age in months instead of years. For the purpose of this page, if months and years are an equal amount of time, the maximum age is stated in years.
Since jurisdiction rules and policies change, you are strongly advised to consult the jurisdiction’s bar admission agency directly for the most current information.