The MBE is developed by NCBE and administered by user jurisdictions as part of the bar examination. Applicants register for the MBE by applying to a jurisdiction for the bar exam. View our interactive map for jurisdictions administering the MBE and other information.
Registering for the MBE
NCBE Number
Applicants should create an NCBE Account to obtain an NCBE Number before registering with a jurisdiction to take the MBE. The NCBE Number is used as the unique identifier for MBE, UBE, and MPRE scores. Most jurisdictions require applicants to provide their NCBE Numbers in their bar applications.
Applicants keep the same NCBE Number for life and should have only one. Your NCBE Number is tied to your NCBE Account. Use the NCBE Account Lookup to determine if you have an NCBE Number. Create an NCBE Account to receive your NCBE Number, if you do not already have one.
Enter the jurisdiction where you will be taking the MBE and the exam date in the Bar Exams tab of your NCBE Account. Ensuring that your NCBE Account accurately reflects your testing jurisdiction and exam date helps NCBE to match your MBE score to your NCBE Number and to the testing jurisdiction's records.
ADA Accommodations
Examinees who have qualified disabilities as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA) may be eligible for auxiliary aids or services to take the MBE. All decisions and arrangements for accommodations are made by the testing jurisdiction. Each jurisdiction has its own accommodations application process and deadlines, and examinees must apply directly to each jurisdiction in which they plan to take the MBE.
The standard version of the MBE is printed in 12-point font. The MBE is also routinely produced in braille, in large-print (18- and 24-point font) versions, and on audio.
Copyright Notice
The MBE is owned by NCBE and is a secure exam protected by US copyright laws. NCBE strictly prohibits copying, reproducing, or disclosing any MBE questions or answers, whether via electronic, telephonic, written, oral, or other means, to any party or to any public forum during or after the exam. NCBE will use every legal means available to protect its copyrighted materials. Any unauthorized disclosure of MBE content could result in civil liability, criminal penalties, cancellation of test scores, denial of applications to sit for future exams, denial of bar applications on character and fitness grounds, and/or disciplinary action by bar authorities.