The MPRE is a two-hour timed multiple-choice examination administered on computers provided by Pearson VUE at its testing centers. For more information about what you can expect at the testing center, see MPRE Test Day Policies. You are encouraged to view the interactive Tutorial on the Pearson VUE website that simulates the experience of taking the MPRE via computer-based testing. This will allow you to practice navigating between questions and familiarize yourself with the features of the testing system.
Below is information regarding some of the most common testing accommodations available for the MPRE. This is a non-exhaustive list; other accommodations may be requested. The appropriateness of accommodations depends upon the individual's specific functional limitations in relation to the testing environment. An individualized assessment is made of every request for accommodations.
- Extended testing time
- Supervised breaks (for more information, visit MPRE Stop-the-Clock Break time)
- Separate room (from standard test takers)
- Trackball mouse
- Provision of a Reader
- Provision of a Recorder/Scribe
- JAWS software: To be approved for JAWS, a candidate must be a proficient user of the program, as testing center personnel cannot assist candidates with JAWS software navigation before or during testing; see Use of JAWS as an Accommodation
- ZoomText software: To be approved for ZoomText, a candidate must be a proficient user of the program, as testing center personnel cannot assist candidates with ZoomText software navigation before or during testing; see Use of ZoomText as an Accommodation
- Wheelchair-accessible workstation; standard height is 30”
- Sit-stand workstation
- Allowance for medical devices; see the Pearson VUE Comfort Aid List for items that do not require approved accommodations
Service animals: Please note that no formal approval or prior notification is necessary in order to bring a service animal into the testing center with you.
Increased Text Size and Adjustments to Text Color/Monitor Brightness
All candidates have the option to increase text size by 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, and 200% of standard text size and to adjust text and background color. Monitor brightness may also be adjusted. Please refer to Font Size and Color Schemes to view the various sample text sizes and color scheme options for text and background.
If you require a larger cursor in order to increase the exam's font size, make changes to the color scheme, and/or navigate the exam, you must request this as an accommodation within your online request. Please contact MPRE Test Accommodations Services for assistance at mpre.ada@ncbex.org.
Earplugs and Noise-Reducing Headphones
Candidates are assigned seats in individual carrels with high walls on three sides to avoid visual distractions. Earplugs or noise-reducing headphones are available for all candidates.
Permitted Comfort Aids (No Preapproval Required)
Permitted comfort aids may be brought by candidates and do not require preapproval. They will be allowed in the testing room upon visual inspection by a Test Administrator. For a complete list of all permitted comfort aids, see the Pearson VUE Comfort Aid List.
Diabetes Accommodations
The following are allowed in the testing room as a comfort aid without formal prior approval, but must be inaudible and are subject to inspection by testing staff:
- Continuous glucose monitor (CGM) without network transmission capability or accompanying remote device (including a cell phone)
- Glucagon pen
- Glucose tablets (unwrapped and not in a bottle/container)
- Insulin pump
Please note: Any electronic device with internet capabilities or with the ability to communicate with devices other than the CGM is not permitted, including a smartphone, iPhone, Apple or other smart watch, tablet, or Android device.
If you have health-related needs that require accommodations beyond the comfort aids listed above, you must apply for test accommodations. Visit How to Apply for Test Accommodations for information on this process.
Personal items must be stored in a locker during administration of the test. Lockers may only be accessed during the examination if access was preapproved as an accommodation, and only upon permission of a Test Administrator. Candidates are not allowed to access study materials, mobile phones, or any electronic device during a break. For more information, refer to MPRE Test Day Policies or contact MPRE Registration at mpreregistration@ncbex.org.
Use of a Reader as an Accommodation
Readers (to be provided by Pearson VUE) must read verbatim and are not permitted to paraphrase, interpret, define words, or otherwise vary from the text. Upon request of the candidate, the reader may do the following: spell words, reread all or part of a text or question, scan for particular words or phrases, read the text in a specific order, and identify the type and location of punctuation marks.
Use of a Recorder/Scribe as an Accommodation
The Recorder/Scribe (to be provided by Pearson VUE) will input answers as dictated by the candidate. A Recorder/Scribe cannot answer or explain any content-related questions and will not read the exam.
Use of JAWS as an Accommodation
See Use of JAWS as an Accommodation for more information.
To be approved for JAWS, a candidate must be a proficient user of the program, as testing center personnel cannot assist candidates with JAWS software navigation before or during testing. A candidate may either request to record their own responses or request use of a Recorder. The Recorder will input answers as dictated by the candidate. A Recorder cannot answer or explain any content-related questions, will not assist with JAWS navigation, and will not read the exam.
The MPRE is administered on computers provided by Pearson VUE at its testing centers. If you require a braille version of the exam, you must request an accommodation. Braille is available in Unified English Braille Code (UEB) and English Braille American Edition (EBAE).
Wheelchair Accessibility/Workstation Height
The standard Pearson VUE exam workstation has a clearance of 30”. If your wheelchair requires a different height, you must request an accommodation. If you have functional limitations caused by an impairment which require a height-adjustable table or a sit-stand desk, you must request an accommodation.
Nursing and Pregnancy-Related Testing Arrangements
Nursing-Related Testing Arrangements
The National Conference of Bar Examiners will consider requests for testing arrangements to support candidates who are nursing. For example, candidates who are nursing may be granted stop-the-clock break time in order to accommodate their need to express milk. To request a nursing arrangement, complete an online request by logging in to your NCBE Account and selecting MPRE Test Accommodations. Include a letter from your doctor supporting your request which includes your baby’s due or delivery date. Proof of past accommodations and prior standardized test score reports are not necessary to request a nursing-related arrangement. Please note that nursing candidates are not permitted to bring infants to the testing room.
Pregnancy-Related Testing Arrangements
If you are experiencing complications relating to pregnancy that require modifications to the standard testing conditions, you may also be eligible for arrangements. As is the case with all requested accommodations, applications for pregnancy-related arrangements must be supported by medical documentation. Submit an online request through the MPRE Test Accommodations section of your NCBE Account. Your supporting medical documentation or letter from your doctor must include your baby’s due date.
If you need to request additional arrangements after you have received a response to your initial request, such as arrangements to accommodate a new or expected need to express milk, you may request reconsideration.
Reconsideration requests require additional documentation that is new, substantially different from what you submitted previously, relevant, and material. Your request for reconsideration must include a letter from your doctor supporting your request which includes your baby’s due or delivery date.
- You cannot submit a request for reconsideration until after a determination is made on your initial request for arrangements.
- To submit a request for reconsideration, log in to your NCBE Account and select MPRE Accommodations. Once there, you will see the option to start a request for reconsideration from the Actions menu.
- It typically takes NCBE at least 25 business days to process a request for reconsideration. Please consider this when submitting a request for reconsideration for your preferred test date, and refer to Important Dates for MPRE Test Accommodations for more information.
- After you submit your request for reconsideration, a Reconsideration Request Summary will be available in the MPRE Test Accommodations section of your NCBE Account. It will also be posted to your NCBE Account File Cabinet. Please retain this document for your records. If you do not receive a Reconsideration Request Summary within one business day, please contact NCBE to confirm that your request for reconsideration was received.
Please contact MPRE Test Accommodation Services at mpre.ada@ncbex.org with any questions.