Exam Score Services
After examination results are announced, examinees may wish to have their scores transferred or reported to other jurisdictions or to learn their scores if the testing jurisdiction does not release scores to examinees.

MPRE Score Services

NCBE offers MPRE Score Reports to additional jurisdictions (beyond the jurisdiction designated by the examinee when registering for the MPRE) and MPRE Unofficial Score Transfers to examinees for scores from 1999 to present. Additionally, examinees may request MPRE Score Verifications within two months of the test date in which scores were earned. For more information and instructions for requesting these services, visit MPRE Score Services.
MBE Score Services

NCBE offers MBE Score Transfers from one jurisdiction to another, MBE Score Releases to examinees, and MBE Score Advisories to examinees for scores earned within the past seven years. For more information and instructions for requesting these services, visit MBE Score Services.
UBE Score Services

NCBE offers UBE Official Score Transcripts to jurisdictions and UBE Unofficial Score Transcripts to examinees. Review UBE Score Services for more information and instructions for requesting these services.